April 7, 2004

Pissing Vinegar Vol. 39: The PV That Wasn't Really a PV

Okay, here's the situation...

In case you haven't noticed, there hasn't been a new Pissing Vinegar upate in a while, only postings of recent lyrics. It's not that I don't want to give you a shiny new PV, it's just that I can't find the time to write one.

Regardless, I hope you're reading and maybe even taking something away from my lyrics, as it's the only thing I'm writing with any consistency recently. Besides, in lieu of PV's, my newer material contains the very subject matter I've always lashed out against in those old tirades. With that said, maybe I'm subconsciously moving away from the scathing social commentary business, and toward the scathing social commentary through poetry business. Whether or not that's satisfactory, I don't know. If none of you sign the guestbook or send me an email to let me know what's good or what sucks on here, I can't improve.

I guess what I'm saying is, it's hard to feel that this sort of thing is really worth the miniscule effort I'm putting into it, without getting a little feedback. A few brief comments are nice and all, but I'm a spoiled brat trying to wean himself off of the old days, when a hundred hits a day wasn't all that surprising. It starts to feel like no one is out there, and it kind of makes me want to sign off. I know I mistreated you all by crawling into my little cocoon for over a year, but now I'm right here, and I'm willing to give you all I've got if you're willing to take it.

Jesus... that was a little dramatic. Look, I'm just requesting everyone who stops by to make a small note in my guestbook, so I can gauge who gives a shit, who doesn't, and who is still oblivious to the fact that I do, in fact, have an online presence again.

If it's F-bombs and tittie jokes you want, I can do that. If you want me to dust off the thesaurus and write something smart, I'll give it the old community college try. But, if you want me to sit here, feeling like I'm chucking words into an endless void of apathy, I can't and I won't. It's up to you now, grasshopper. Save the Emporium.

Sorry for the sleight of hand. This has most definitely NOT been PV39.

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