August 28, 2004

New Release

So, yesterday was my first day at the record store in about six months... like riding a bike. It felt like home, in a strange way. I guess it's where I was meant to be.

Hey, while I was there, I realized that a few days ago we had received the brand new CD from Heavy Meadows, which I had no idea existed! Needless to say, I was stoked to pick it up... but, sadly, I had just finished off the till for the day and closed the store when I noticed it. So, I had to wait until today to pick it up.

Anyway, the CD is sounding very good, although it's considerably mellower than their last release (perhaps due to the fact that bassist Jeff Wheaton only plays on three of the album's nine tracks. And, drummer Benn Ross isn't nearly as prominent on the release, considerably subdued throughout most of the tracks (the most notable exception being leadoff track "The Flood", a simply stellar track with all members involved, and well-deserving of being released as the album's first single). It's also kind of short at just over 36 minutes. And, "Grace" is pretty much a slightly faster reprise of "Kine" from the last release, which made me feel just a little cheated. And, the album-closing instrumental "Cymbals And Rain" is short and somewhat processed.

But, in the grand scope, these are all minor qualms that are rewarded for listeners patient enough to explore the album past face value. The production, handled by the band and Steve Outhit, is top notch. And the songwriting (credited nearly entirely to vocalist Virgil Muir and guitarist Seth Timothy) remains strong. Ross' and Wheaton's near-or-definite absence on tracks makes the instances where they show up even more rewarding (again, "The Flood" is a prime example). The album's terse length lends to easy relistening. And, while "Grace" could have been titled "Kine II", it honestly does improve on the original, even if the rhythm section is practically non-existent. And, the forementioned album-closing instrumental doesn't actually close the album; it prefaces a hidden track that matches some of the disc's finest moments.

So, when it's over, the CD strikes me a little bipolar. I like it, particularly "The Flood" and "Providence", for its familiarity. Yet at times, without the strong presence of Wheaton and Ross, it feels like there's a gaping hole in the music. However, when all the pros and cons are weighed, Heavy Meadows do come out with a winner. It's not the startling acheivement their second album was, but it's still well worth the time.


And while we're on the subject, hit to watch the meds' brand new video for "The Flood". Booyah!

Other random thoughts...

- I also learned during my first day back at work that Sony is planning a Pearl Jam greatest hits CD for release in late September. Now, I can accept the fact that the weather's been a little warm over the past couple of days, but I didn't think it was quite hot enough to make my blood boil... stupid fucking grabass estranged record labels...

- Picked up six tapes for $2 at a yard sale today. Among them? Def Leppard's "Hysteria" (which I desperately hope to find on vinyl eventually), Midnight Oil's "Diesel And Dust", and the immortal Sam Kinison's "Leader of the Banned".

- Why in the blue hell would a fast food restaurant drive-thru employee ask you to pull your car ahead to the stop sign (NOT to a designated delivery parking space... big difference here), and make a fellow employee take your food out to the door for you? That happened to us this morning. We speculated it was because I was smoking, which pissed me off superbly. However, upon getting our meals, I simply pulled ahead to the nearest space, and watched the next car approach the window. I noted that neither driver nor passenger appeared to be smoking. They made them advance, too! What the fuck is going on at Burger King? This is really bugging me.

- I really hate it when I'm trying to do a half-decent update after weeks of silence, and I keep getting interrupted. The phone has rang twice for me, I'm getting distracted by this Heavy Meadows CD, and the landlord yelled in the window, asking me about the strange cat that's been hanging around all day. Here's the deal; where Carrie works, they kept a cat that supposedly got pancaked by a motor vehicle. This morning, as we're leaving the house, she sees this cat in the driveway that looks kind of like this dead cat. So, she decides to bring him inside while she calls her dad. It should be noted at this time that we already have two cats. Anyway, the cat has seen the inside, and now it won't go the fuck away. It probably thinks we owe it a home, or something. Regardless, Carrie's now pretty sure this is not the dead cat from her workplace. Whew, the last thing we needed was a purring fucking poltergeist. Now, all we have to do is find this cat's owner (because no one in their right mind pays to have a stray cat neutered).

- Speaking of which, Randall's balls and claws have been removed. Unsurprisingly, his behavioral problems have been proven to be in his big head, rather than the little one. Bastard. Although, it's somewhat amusing having this strange cat outside yowling. It's pure torture for Randall and, in a sick way, I enjoy it.

- Oh, and PJ is elated, now that the playing field has been evened, so to speak. Their fights are much more entertaining now.

- Never rent a movie that boasts itself as the "unrated version you couldn't see in theatres". This, inevitably, means one of two things. Everyone but the smoking hot star of the movie is getting naked and/or all they cut out were shots of cock and balls.

- Green Day - "American Idiot": I smell comeback.

- Prodigy - "Girls": I smell sellout.

- Korn - "Word Up": I smell burned toast.

- The end.

August 24, 2004

A Half-Assed Update

So, today is my last day of work. This weekend, I start at the record store. There's a big ass sigh of relief waiting to be released, and will be in the next ten hours or less. Who wants to get drunk tonight?

August 11, 2004

The News

So, it can now be made official... I am hours away from giving my two weeks' notice at ICT. Around August 27th or so, I will once again be employed at the local record store. This time around, I have been offered between 30-32 hours per week (as opposed to 8-20 last year), and possibly the title of assistant manager. With the hourly wage difference, it doesn't add up to much more money than I make at ICT, but, I've decided to make the move for a variety of reasons.

a) Job security... By taking this job, while I may not get much richer, at least I know I'll have a job in October. The way I see it, with the steady decline in hours, it's only a matter of time before more layoffs hit my current place of work. Call it leaving a sinking ship, if you will.

b) Mental well-being... Anybody who knows me will tell you I'm a music lover above all else. That said, I will be MUCH happier working steady at the record store, rather than sitting in front of a computer, listening to telephone conversations all day. It's not a stressful job by any stretch, but I've never been a big fan of cubicles. Simply put, working at the record store is just more "me".

c) Physical well-being... Since starting at ICT, with a few weird shifts thrown in to disrupt my sleep patterns, getting 2 to 3 hours of sleep at night hasn't been that uncommon. By working consistently at more normal hours of the day, I suspect this will be rectified, thus allowing me more consistent rest, ergo I feel better.

d) Financial well-being... kind of... At ICT, I never know if I'll be working 40 hours or 14. It's pretty difficult to pay bills consistently when you have no idea how much money you'll have next week. With the new job, there isn't much variance from week to week; the schedule is set in advance, and you work a full scheduled shift every time, with no worries of being sent home for lack of work to do. I will have a good idea what I'll be making every time. This makes it much easier to plan things, such as how much money should be taken per pay by the credit union. It'll also give social services a much more solid estimate of my income, so they can finish the readjustment of child support payments that has kept them baffled for the past two months. It's an announcement, loud and clear to them that no... there will be no windfall, I am not getting a raise or winning the lottery, it is safe to lower the payments and allow us all to get on with our fucking lives.

So, yeah. I feel pretty good about this. I know it won't make me rich, but at least it'll make me happy. And, to me, that counts for something.

August 6, 2004

More Pointless and Irrelevant Updates Coming Soon!
My Life For The Past Week in 25 Words Or Less
(okay, maybe more)

- Saw the kids for the first time in nearly five months this past Sunday. It was mind blowing in that they still call me "daddy", especially Ryan (he's 3, and I figured by now he wouldn't have had a clue who I am). Although Taya was quick to point out that she has a "second daddy". Expected. Hurtful, but expected. A visitation schedule must be worked out.

- Enjoyed a four day weekend, but worked New Brunswick Day. "Double time and a half" is all the incentive I needed. For once, I may get a decent paycheck.

- Speaking of work, it's looking more and more like I'll be switching professions again. More on that if/when it becomes official.

- Carrie's 27th birthday is Saturday. We're having a party, and it's sure to be a great time, affording me the luxury of actually drinking (I swear to Christ, I haven't had a drop of alcohol in over a month).

- She's really excited about this weekend, but I'm a little nervous about it. That's because my $91 paycheck doesn't allow for present shopping (especially when you factor in that the credit union will be looking for $100 of it... yes, I did the math too. And yes, I want to vomit). This is the reason I'm staying up extra late tonight (who the fuck am I kidding? I'm up extra late EVERY night these days). I figure I'll go to the bank machine before the grabasses open their doors, sneak out the cash, and go to the mall this morning. Sure, I'll be even further in the hole, but at this point the bottom has to be close. And, when her friends ask her what I got her for her birthday, she'll be able to give an answer other than "a hug".

- Recently heard the new Green Day track, "American Idiot". A return to form for the boys and I, for one, am happy to see them smacking Good Charlotte into their place. Alas, the album probably won't sell for shit, because the mallcore "punks" foolishly think it's the other way around.

- Echoing Carrie's blog post... "The Village" is a really good flick. If you like a good old fashioned mindfuck, pack your lube and get in line, biatch.

- Is that 25 words yet?