January 26, 2007

Random Jank Video!

Here's a fun exercise to test your mental capacity. By which I mean, can you sit through this entire furniture commercial? Godspeed, sucka!

Oy vey.

January 4, 2007

Prepare For Schizophrenia!

Here at Willie's Webhole, we like to mess with the appearance of our blog from time to time. Keep this in mind as Willie's Webhole takes on forty-eight different faces within the next week.

Really, I think I like this look, and I totally might not fuck with it. It's kind of flashy, yet subtle... classy, yet fun. And it'll probably be completely different the next time you visit. Or not.


What 2007 Was Made For: Say Hello to Random Jank Video!

YouTube is phenomenal. I can update this blog fifteen times a day without uttering one original thought or idea. With this profound revelation in mind, I've decided that, periodically, I'll post a clip that I've stumbled across (or had shoved down my eyeholes) that I deem worthy of sharing with anyone who feels like visiting.

I call it Random Jank Video and, as you'll see over the days, weeks and months, just about anything goes. In fact, the only thing I can guarantee you won't see here is Saddam's execution. I am I the only one who has absolutely zero desire to watch a disgraced tyrant's snuff video? Seriously, if this the most popular video on the internet, y'alls are fucked up.

Anyway, I prefer something random. Something janky. Something... er, video.

EDIT: The semi-humorous video I posted two hours ago went AWOL, so we're going with a CLASSIC!