January 31, 2006

Who Says You Can't Leave Home Again?

I know, I know, I change websites more often than I change my underwear (which explains that wrecthed stench). Well, for reasons posted at that other place, I have made the decision to come back to the blog.

Trust me (or don't), this move will make things better for everyone. When I feel like dropping a line, it won't involve a colossal hassle like I got at that other place. Of course, with the increased ease of posting comes the decreased ease of taking my time, thinking things through before speaking, and other general nuisances related to the future content of this quaint little webnest.

It occurs to me that not everyone may have made the transition from blog to Geocities site with me when I jumped ship 16 months ago. As such, you may be wondering what I've been up to since '04. Since you asked so nicely, I'll break it down for you in point form.

- got writer's block

It's amazing how much can happen in such a short time. Anyway, while I can't guarantee a flurry of updates here, I can say without a doubt that you'll get a better track record from me here than at that other place. It'll be a fairly easy transition, as I really don't have much content to bring over from Geocities. I may or may not reinstate the Shitlist, though obviously updating that particular feature in blog format poses quite a lot of difficulty without actually entering it as a seperate blog. Maybe there's an easy way, but I'm pretty e-tarded when it comes to the bells and whistles of this thing. I figure if I can spell most of the words write and use italics occasionally, I'm making tremendous strides.

Finally, I'm pleased to report that my writer's block has been easing, and I've even written a little poetry that isn't a heinous violation of the English language. And, though I'll never revisit my peak of quality or quantity, at the very least I can say I'm going to be keeping in touch again.

Good to be back.