April 12, 2004


So, I'm surfing the net tonight, and I decide to pop over here to see if anyone's signed my guestbook. And, lo and behold, there's an anonymous post, and a cryptic one at that. All it says is, "78 days..."

Weird. I'm trying to figure out what it could possibly mean. I did the math from today's date, and 78 days from now is Tuesday, June 29. The date only means two things to me. It's a) the one year anniversary of seeing the mighty Pearl Jam live, and b) the projected release date for The Tragically Hip's new album.

Maybe it's something else entirely. I don't think it's anyone's birthday that I know, and I'm not sure of any major events happening on that day. At any rate, it's a good head scratcher, and I do so enjoy scratching my head. More clues, please!

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