February 16, 2007

My car is having its seven year itch.

Maybe it was the wet snow, could be low on fluids, might need to replace spark plugs. Whatever the reason, my car has decided that, after almost seven wonderful years, it's high time for some stalling out in intersections. In a way, it was exciting having to put on the 4-way flashers this morning. Took me back to the glory days (read: mid 90's) in good old Snowball (read: mom's white '89 Topaz, which endured over 250000 km of teenage hell before finally giving in to my torturous and wild driving habits).

Regardless, if I'm going to make it to Woodstock next weekend to visit with my children, I'd better get to the bottom of this. And it had damned well better not cost me my entire paycheck; I've got birthday presents to buy for Taya.

In other news, it's starting to feel like the record store (and the rest of the mall, for that matter) may not be long for this world. It took a little longer than expected, but it seems as though Wal-Mart's brainwashing efforts are starting to take hold with people. Personally, I feel bad for metal fans, because I'm sure by now we've spoiled them by allowing them to purhcase CDs by their favourite bands without driving to Moncton. There's still time to stop the bleeding, if only people would realize that Wal-Mart isn't really saving them that much money (if any) on the things they're buying. Of course, we all know Miramichiers; stuck in their ways. And now that their ways include Wal-Mart's "always low prices", my gut tells me I'll be looking for employment before year's end.

I've been entertaining the notion of applying for a business grant and opening a half decent used CD/DVD/game outlet. I'd be more serious about it if I didn't think Wal-Mart would add a used section to their store in an effort to not only close down every small business in town, but also stop new ones from opening.

Seriously though, am I crazy for thinking that there might be at least marginal demand for a, shall we say, more "respectable" place to buy/sell around here?

If I'm right on this, I'd be worried about someone stealing my idea. I'm not worried though, since no one will ever see this aside from Carrie and Dok. Which reminds me: Dok, if you're still in need of work by the time this crazy plan comes together, you're hired!

Look, everybody, it's Wintersleep, that lovable Maritime rock and roll band!

If you enjoyed that, take your skank ass here and watch a snatchload more videos! And remember, the only way you're going to get true satisfaction is to come to the store and buy their latest album for just $13.99! It's a great way to load up on sweet ass tunes and say hello to Yours Truly at the same time! Who the hell doesn't love that for efficiency? How many exclamation marks can I use in a single post? I'd rather not know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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