March 29, 2007

Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer!

After months and months of anticipation, the trailer for Rockstar Games' next-gen debut is here, now! So excited! OMG!

...less than seven months to go!

March 22, 2007


New Clip From the Hip

Presenting "Yer Not the Ocean", the Tragically Hip's new single taken from the World Container album. If your favourite things in the entire world include hybrid cars, polar bears, trees and Gord Downie, you might want to sit down for this one.

...which reminds me, if you want to learn more about global warming, there are some places you can go that provide lots of helpful information.

March 21, 2007

Random Jank Video: Powerbread!

For those few amongst us who have yet to witness this gem of a video, it's important to note that logic < offbeat humour. Created right here in Miramichi some 4-5 years ago by some folks I know (as well as some I don't). It's insanity. It's lunacy. It's Powerbread. Enjoy.

March 18, 2007

New Clutch Video!

They've never exactly been popular. However, with their new album (the blues-drenched From Beale Street To Oblivion), Clutch have extended their string of great albums to three, dating back to 2004's mind-blowingly good Blast Tyrant. Never allowing the music to be drowned out by flashy visuals, this clip for lead single "Electric Worry" is pretty much as simple and direct as a video can be circa 2007. But, that's exactly why it works. The point isn't to watch Clutch perform their blistering new single. It's to listen to Clutch perform their blistering new single. Enjoy.

Bonus! If you're new to this Clutch thing...

a) Where the hell have you been, and b) Get caught up with these career encapsulating bonus videos!

"A Shogun Named Marcus", from Transnational Speedway League (1993)

"Pure Rock Fury" from Pure Rock Fury (1999)

"Burning Beard" from Robot Hive/Exodus (2005)

If you enjoyed those, check out some of Clutch's CDs, especially the later ones. And, if you want to be among the first to own From Beale Street To Oblivion, all you have to do is come on out to the record store on March 27 and pick that shit up!
Random Jank Video: Cold Beer Anyone?

I didn't know you could get Corona in Siberia...

March 15, 2007

New Arctic Monkeys, Classic Faith No More, and Arcade Fire meets the Old West!

Here it is: the brand new clip from the UK's Big Buzz Band of 2006. So as to say, the UK's Big Backlash Band of 2007. But, seriously, as much hype as Arctic Monkeys got shoved upon them, they really did deliver on it with last year's impressive debut Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not. Whether or not their follow-up, Favourite Worst Nightmare (out April 24th) can also impress is yet to be determined. However, what I've heard of the new songs via bootleg videos bodes extremely well, as does this kick arse video for the new single "Brianstorm".

When Faith No More released their landmark opus Angel Dust fifteen years ago, it wasn't exactly seen as a landmark opus. In fact, many people saw it as a landmark dogshit. It even took me a few years to appreciate it fully. Of course, compared to the more universally appealing The Real Thing, the follow-up was a slap in the face of the mainstream that had flowed too close for FNM's comfort. The first two singles, "Midlife Crisis" and "A Small Victory", were modest chart performers at best. So, when the time came to film a video for "Everything's Ruined", the record company refused to pony up. Undeterred (and, apparently, kind of bored), the band made their own damned video. Now, this is what could be considered an "anti" video, which makes the idea of creating the video in the first place kind of nonsensical. Unless, of course, you're making a cheap ass video out of goofing-off footage and stock film as a good old fashioned "fuck you" to the fairweather video channels who have abandoned you for the current "it" bands and left you to die in obscurity.

Lastly, check out what some ambitious (read: way too much time on hands) sumbitch did with "My Body is a Cage", the closing track from Arcade Fire's believe-the-hype offering Neon Bible. Now, I've been known to feature a fan-made video on this site before. But never have I suggested that, when the band decides to actually release an official video from their new album, it probably won't come close to the coolness of this sickeningly fitting mashup between "My Body is a Cage" and Once Upon a Time in the West. Sounds too ludicrous to work, doesn't it? Watch and be amazed...

March 13, 2007

Salute To A True Video Gaming Pioneer!

If you've ever been to an arcade, chances are you've seen the impact this man has left on video gaming first hand.

Oh, and who knew how awesome "Kashmir" would sound midi'd up?

March 8, 2007

Some New Stuff To Watch

Alabama Thunderpussy: Words of a Dying Man

With their sixth album (the hellaciously good Open Fire) in stores this week, Alabama Thunderpussy have brought upon the world a most glorious storm of riffs, myths and awesomely melodic whiskey metal. If that analogy doesn't work for you, imagine what the soundtrack to 300 might sound like if the battle of the Spartans had taken place along the banks of the Mississippi rather than in Greece. Sure, it could be argued that songs about Conanesque barbaric battles are soooo 2005. But, then again, so is stoner metal. And I sure as hell ain't suck of that yet.

What the video has to do with what I just said about epic battles? Well, the rest of the album fits the motif better; I just couldn't find any other videos. Sue me.

Nine Inch Nails: Survivalism (official video)

Now that you've seen the live clip of NIN's new single, check out the lo-fi (yet really cool) official video. Like most other Year Zero related goodies to emerge in advance of the album's release on April 17, this video first surfaced on USB pen drives (these particular ones were found at this week's Brixton show). Of course, there are hidden clues embedded in the video that lead savvy folk to even more of Reznor's dystopic websites of the future. I won't bother pointing it out to you in case you're actually playing along and have never watched this video, but the key lies in the time codes, so watch closely!

Oh, and if all this Year Zero stuff is going over your head, don't worry about it too much. Just wait for the movie, which may or may not be made.

Jessica's Body

I really have nothing suitable to follow up the brand spanking new Nine Inch Fucking Nails video... so let's watch something mind-numbingly awful!

What, you thought I was joking about the awful part? I'm only assuming there's a back story to this, but I'm not about to investigate. I do know one thing for a fact, though... this video works way better on mute.

March 4, 2007

This Could Be The Greatest Movie of All Time.

March 3, 2007

I Remember You: Eve6

Five years. If you look at the timelines, study the histories, and do the math, you'll notice that the vast majority of bands don't last longer than five years. It could also be argued that if a band does indeed stay together longer than five years, anything they do from year six on is generally dogshit compared to the magic of the first five. Some bands, however, continue to thrive well over this supposed watermark.

- Look at Pearl Jam, who continue to make interesting records and stay relevant over fifteen years into their career.
- Green Day almost fell into the five year trap, but then discovered what I was trying to tell you people all along: rock operas are sooooo killer!
- Our nation's most beloved, The Tragically Hip, have survived (without so much as a single band member replaced) and thrived for twenty years now.
- Of course, a discussion on longevity would be useless without the obvious mention of The Rolling Stones, who maintain superiority in concert revenues to this day. Not bad for a band who once opened for Jesus.

Wait a minute... what the hell does this have to do with Eve6?


Formed in high school under the name Eleventeen, Max Collins and Jon Siebels had a record contract with RCA before they even graduated. In 1998, now with drummer Tony Fagenson rounding out the lineup, they released their self-titled debut album, and smash lead single "Inside Out". If you weren't there, trust me: this mutha blew up. All over radio and video channels, the song helped Eve6 go platinum. Subsequent singles "Leech" and "Open Road Song" didn't really get the same kind of love as "Inside Out", which gave the naysayers every right to proclaim the band as just another in the long line of one hit wonders.

Unfortunately, they were pretty much right. The next album, 2000's Horrorscope, found the band toying with their sound, adding some electronic elements and overdubs to the mix. The first single, "Promise", garnered little attention, and a lot of fans who picked up the album early were turned off by the blatant studio sheen and effects tinkering. After all, this was a rock band using a vocoder filigree (aka that annoying as shit voice effect most remembered from Cher's "Believe"). And, though Horrorscope did eventually go gold (thanks largely to the one night stand power ballad/mislabeled grad anthem "Here's To The Night"), most fans had abandoned ship by the time their third album, It's All In Your Head, was released in 2003 (read: five years after their debut).

A platinum recording artist selling less than 200,000 units of their third album isn't a good sign, and RCA soon dropped Eve6. A fan site for the band cites the poor sales of It's All In Your Head to lack of promotion from the label. More credible sources, however, attribute other, less flattering factors.

At the end of the day, Eve6 will probably be remembered more for their catchy hit "Inside Out" and X-Files referencing name than for being a solid band that just, somehow, went awry. If you sit down and read the lyric sheet to their first album, you'll see songwriting that was incredibly smart, considering the fact that they were still teenagers when the songs were recorded. While other bands with older members were singing about walking on the sun and pissing the night away, Eve6 were singing about pain and love, growing up, and wanting to go somewhere... anywhere. And, in the end, Eve6 took the scenic route to obscurity. It's a shame, because when I first heard that debut album, I thought they had infinite potential.

Oh well... it was a good five years.

And fuck, that's a badass Ratt shirt Max is sporting!

March 2, 2007

The Freakiest Videos Ever!: Massive Attack, Interpol

Is it the drugs? Wild imaginations? What the hell is it about electronica bands that posesses them to make such fucked up videos?

We may never know for sure, but one this is certain: this 1998 video is freaky.

Speaking of things that have no right singing, check out this sweet ass video from indie rock darlings Interpol. Not totally freaky, per se... as long as you don't look into the puppet's eyes!

Not freaky enough? Tell me your pick. If I live through it, I may just post it. Later, suckas!